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Lucas by Best Home Furnishings

The Lucas group is for families that love their down time- whether its game day, movie night, or the kids sleepover, getting together is always a special occasion. The Lucas collection provides equal opportunity with incredibly cozy seats for everyone - stain and wear-resistant fabrics can even make it fun for toddlers and pets! These seats are cushioned cradles of comfort with full-support leg rests and plump pillow arms. Multiple ranges of motion and drink holder consoles add extra function to the Lucas living room or home theater. Choose recliners, reclining sofas, or loveseats to turn any room into a comfort haven.

Living Room

Rocking Reclining Loveseat w/ Console
Rocking Reclining Loveseat w/ Console
Price*: $2,072.00
Sale Price: $933.00
Available To Order Get In 4-6 Weeks
Power Reclining Sofa
Power Reclining Sofa
Price*: $2,392.00
Sale Price: $1,077.00
Available To Order Get In 4-6 Weeks
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Promotional Period
The Suggested Equal Monthly Payment shown above may be greater than the required minimum monthly payment that will be on your billing statement when you use the 60 month promotional financing offer.
This estimated payment:
If the promotional purchase amount is not paid in full within 60 months, interest will be charged to your account from the purchase date and your total payments will be greater than the amount of the promotional purchase amount.

IMPORTANT: The information about the Suggested Equal Monthly Payment shown assumes the following promotional financing offer is applied to the purchase:

No Interest if Paid in Full Within by 60 Months*
On purchases with your Synchrony credit card. Interest will be charged to your account from the purchase date if the promotional purchase is not paid in full within 60 months. Minimum monthly payments required.
*Click for details