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Kauffman by Coaster

Sophistication meets shabby chic with this handsome cottage style Kauffman bedroom set. Each piece features framing details completed in a lovely rustic finish for a look that you will love. Tapered block feet also add a design that brings the look together. Each storage piece has ample room for you to keep your clothes stored neatly away and organized. Relax in your master bedroom suite when you have it styled like the rustic retreat you dreamed it could be.


Queen Bed
Queen Bed
Price*: $856.00
Sale Price: $364.00
Available To Order Get In 2-3 Weeks
Queen Bed
Queen Bed
Price*: $428.00
Sale Price: $182.00
Express Order Get In 10-14 Days
Dresser and Mirror Set
Dresser and Mirror Set
Price*: $704.00
Sale Price: $300.00
Express Order Get In 10-14 Days
Price*: $564.00
Sale Price: $240.00
Express Order Get In 10-14 Days
Price*: $472.00
Sale Price: $201.00
Express Order Get In 10-14 Days
Price*: $248.00
Sale Price: $106.00
Express Order Get In 10-14 Days
Price*: $140.00
Sale Price: $60.00
Express Order Get In 10-14 Days
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