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Dominique by Coaster

Create a gorgeous setting for your youth's bedroom decor with the Dominique collection. The pieces carry a crisp white finish and feature classic details like flared posts, simple curved molding and silver metal knobs. The storage options are great for keeping sweaters, jeans, blankets, books, towels and bedsheets. Plus, a matching desk accommodates your dedicated student. With timeless style for a sophisticated and inviting youthful bedroom suite, the Dominique collection is bound to please.

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Twin Bed
Twin Bed
Price*: $500.00
Sale Price: $213.00
Available To Order Get In 2-3 Weeks
Price*: $1,004.00
Sale Price: $427.00
Express Order Get In 10-14 Days
Price*: $800.00
Sale Price: $340.00
Express Order Get In 10-14 Days
Night Stand
Night Stand
Price*: $304.00
Sale Price: $130.00
Express Order Get In 10-14 Days
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